"pages": [
"name": "Cultural KPI Survey",
"elements": [
"type": "html",
"name": "Introduction",
"html": "<p>Hi! </p>\n<p>Thanks for finding the time to complete this quick Cultural KPI Survey. </p>\n<p>As an organisation, we are trying to understand how our team is travelling and whether we are making progress on our strategic goals and priorities. </p>\n<p>The results are shared with your Executive Manager and Department Head. We hope that by sharing the results, individuals, teams and the organisation can take steps to improve the team’s health and wellbeing. </p>\n\n\n</ul>\n<p>We look forward to working with you to improve your health and wellbeing, and our communities. </p>\n<p>Thank you for all your hard work and commitment. </p>\n<p>The We Matter Committee.</p>"
"type": "dropdown",
"name": "Where do you work?",
"title": "Where do you work?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"choices": [
"Aboriginal Health Liaison Officers / Admissions & Discharge Co-ordinator / After Hours Co-ordinators / AOD Co-ordinator / Diabetes Educators / Infection Control / Operational Director Acute",
"Administration / Switchboard",
"Allied Health & Primary Care / Community Health",
"Clinical Improvement, Risk and Innovation / Community Engagement Advisor",
"Communications / Human Resources",
"Community Options ",
"Day Centre / District Nursing / HITH / Post-Acute Care",
"Dental / Sub-Acute Non-Admitted",
"Environmental Services",
"Executive Services / Executive Support",
"Finance / Payroll / Private Patient Liaison",
"Food Services / Café",
"Health Information Services / Information Technology",
"Kurrajong Lodge",
"Library / Medical Workforce Unit",
"Linen Services",
"Medical Centre",
"OH&S / Security",
"Procurement & Contracts / Supply",
"Staff Development",
"Wimmera Cancer Centre",
"Wimmera Nursing Home",
"otherText": "Wimmera Cancer Centre"
"type": "rating",
"name": "Did you have a good day at work today? (1 = lowest rating, 5 = highest rating)",
"title": "Did you have a good day at work today? (1 = lowest rating, 5 = highest rating)",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "Comments"
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "Did you feel valued at work today?",
"title": "Did you feel valued at work today?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "Comments",
"choices": [
"type": "html",
"name": "Cultural Safety",
"html": "<p>Cultural respect can be defined as the recognition, protection and continued advancement of the inherent rights, cultures and traditions of a particular culture.</p>\n<p>At work, this means everyone, regardless of culture, needs to be treated with respect, inclusion, and transparent management and health and safety policies.</p>\n<p>However, cultural safety is more than just being aware of other cultures and respecting all people. It is about creating a workplace where everyone can examine our own cultural identities and attitudes, and be open-minded and flexible in our attitudes towards people from cultures other than our own.</p>\n<p>It also requires everyone to understand that their own values or practices are not always or only the best way to solve workplace problems.</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/safety-starts-here/our-aboriginal-program/culturally-safe-workplaces/what-is-cultural-safety\"> https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/safety-starts-here/our-aboriginal-program/culturally-safe-workplaces/what-is-cultural-safety</a> </p>"
"type": "html",
"name": "question10"
"type": "panel",
"name": "panel1",
"elements": [
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "Did you feel culturally safe at work today?",
"title": "Did you feel culturally safe at work today?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "If not, why not? If yes, why?",
"choices": [
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "Were there any barriers that prevented you from carrying out your work at any time today?",
"title": "Were there any barriers that prevented you from carrying out your work at any time today?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "Comments",
"choices": [
"otherText": "N/A"
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "How do you rate what Wimmera Health Care Group has in place to support your development and career progression?",
"title": "How do you rate what Wimmera Health Care Group has in place to support your development and career progression?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "Comments",
"choices": [
"Very Poor",
"noneText": "Excellent",
"otherText": "Good"
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "Did you work in partnership today with patients, residents, and their loved ones to support them to participate fully in decisions about their care?",
"title": "Did you work in partnership today with patients, residents, and their loved ones to support them to participate fully in decisions about their care?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "If not, why not?",
"choices": [
"type": "panel",
"name": "panel2",
"elements": [
"type": "html",
"name": "Clinical Burnout",
"html": "<p>Clinician burnout has been well-documented and is at record highs. The same issues that drive burnout also diminish joy in work for the health care workforce.</p>\n<p>Health care leaders need to understand what factors are diminishing joy in work, nurture their workforce, and address the issues that drive burnout and sap joy in work.</p>\n<p>The most joyful, productive, engaged staff feel both physically and psychologically safe, appreciate the meaning and purpose of their work, have some choice and control over their time, experience camaraderie with others at work, and perceive their work life to be fair and equitable.</p>\n<p>There are proven methods for creating a positive work environment that creates these conditions and ensures the commitment to deliver high-quality care to patients, even in stressful times. <a href=\"http://www.ihi.org/Topics/Joy-In-Work/Pages/default.aspx\">http://www.ihi.org/Topics/Joy-In-Work/Pages/default.aspx</a> </p>"
"type": "radiogroup",
"name": "Are you leaving work today with a feeling of joy and satisfaction?",
"title": "Are you leaving work today with a feeling of joy and satisfaction?",
"hideNumber": true,
"isRequired": true,
"hasComment": true,
"commentText": "If not, why not?",
"choices": [
"questionTitleLocation": "top",